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0 @I862@ INDI 
  1 NAME Simuel /BARSELAY/
    2 GIVN Simuel
  1 SEX M
  1 _UID 6526DE6410CF4BCD96EF25EFC30E1570B31C
  1 CHAN 
    2 DATE 2 JUN 2014
  1 EVEN 
    2 TYPE Alive
    2 DATE 1494
    2 PLAC Trujillo Spain,
    2 NOTE 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT To the Mayor of Trujillo, so that debts that are charging Jew Simuel Ba
     3 CONC rselay, Butler, who was the synagogue of that city, deliver to fray Fra
     3 CONC ncisco de Toro, prior of the monasteryof Santa Maria de la Encarnacion, 1
     3 CONC 00,000 maravedis, which he distributed among his monastery and the nuns o
     3 CONC f Santa Isabel in the same city as a compensation for the assets of Jew
     3 CONC s of that SS. AA had made them mercy and that do not could be given by b
     3 CONC eing taken out of these kingdoms that Simuel.
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 1494-01-12 Burgo de Osma
    2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid")
      3 _TMPLT 
        4 FIELD 
          5 NAME Page
      3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/,LEG,149401,7
  1 OCCU Butler
  1 RELI Judio
  1 RESI Trujillo

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