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Andres GÓMEZ DE CABALLERO - Chronology

Date Kind Origin Details
1670 Other Eventi Child Event As Father [Juan GÓMEZ DE CABALLERO] Type Alive
Place Béjar, Provincia DE Salamanca, Castille And León, Spain,
1670 Other Eventi Spouse Event [Spouse] Type Post mortem
Place Béjar, Provincia DE Salamanca, Castille And León, Spain,
1670 Other Eventi Event Type Post mortem
Place Béjar, Provincia DE Salamanca, Castille And León, Spain,
Residence Child Attribute As Father [Juan GÓMEZ DE CABALLERO] Bejar, Spain
Occupation Child Attribute As Father [Juan GÓMEZ DE CABALLERO] Mercadero
Religion Child Attribute As Father [Juan GÓMEZ DE CABALLERO] New Christian or Converso
Residence Spouse Attribute [Spouse] Bejar, Spain
? Son1 Father [Family] Juan GÓMEZ DE CABALLERO
Religion Attribute New Christian or Converso
Religion Spouse Attribute [Spouse] Uknown
Residence Attribute Bejar, Spain


1. Year: 1670
2. Page: 67


i. Hervas, Marciano de.2; [Source Record]

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