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0 @I476@ INDI 
  1 NAME Francisco /de BENAVENTE/
    2 GIVN Francisco
  1 SEX M
  1 _UID B6576879480744018D9BE85A8D7F537DC857
  1 CHAN 
    2 DATE 2 JUN 2014
  1 EVEN 
    2 TYPE Misc
    2 DATE 1493
    2 PLAC Benavente,
    2 NOTE 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT To the corregidor of Segovia which determine about a House that was 'Ja
     3 CONC mila' (Jumila?) Jewish, located in the Jewish quarter of the city, occu
     3 CONC pied by the priest and parishioners ofthe Church of Santisteban when th
     3 CONC at came out of the Kingdom, whose possession claims Francisco de Benave
     3 CONC nte, her son, converted to the Catholic faith.
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 1493-05-08 Olmedo
    2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid")
      3 _TMPLT 
        4 FIELD 
          5 NAME Page
      3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/1.2.27//RGS,LEG,149305,321
  1 EVEN 
    2 TYPE Misc
    2 DATE 1495
    2 PLAC Benavente,
    2 NOTE 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT Emplacement to certain notary or notaries so that they deliver sealed a
     3 CONC nd closed the process spent(passed) on reason of the goods executed to J
     3 CONC uan Perez Coronel and to its brother Inigo Lopez; by request of Francis
     3 CONC co de Benavente; and about the prison because of it suffered, under the p
     3 CONC retext of what for him(it) he(she) had paid Isaque Membroso, which belo
     3 CONC nged to the Chamber for being Jew's goods.
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 1495-11-07 Burgos
    2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid")
      3 _TMPLT 
        4 FIELD 
          5 NAME Page
      3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/,LEG,149511,185
  1 EVEN 
    2 TYPE Misc
    2 DATE 1499
    2 PLAC Benavente,
    2 NOTE 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT The Licentiate Pedro de Mercado, along with Luis de Polanco, Mayor's Ho
     3 CONC use and Court, determined on seized goods to Francisco de Benavente, Je
     3 CONC wish convert, neighbor of Segovia, by the receiver of goods of Jews. At t
     3 CONC he request of the said Francisco de Benavente.
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 
     3 CONT 1499-11-08 Granada
    2 SOUR @S4@ ("Archivo General Simancas (AGS) - Valladolid")
      3 _TMPLT 
        4 FIELD 
          5 NAME Page
      3 NOTE ES.47161.AGS/,LEG,149911,165
  1 RELI Judio Converso
  1 RESI Benavente
  1 FAMC @F72@ (Unknown x Jamila UNKNOWN)

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