Alexander Beider | Claire Bruell | Sophie Caplan | Stanley Diamond | Alain Farhi | Ladislau Gyémánt | Anthony Joseph | Neville Y. Lamdan | Dov Levin | Gary Mokotoff | Chanan Rapaport | Sallyann Sack-Pikus | Mathilde A. Tagger
Mathilde A. Tagger*

The late Mathilde A. Tagger held an MA degree in Library and Information Sciences from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She was deeply involved in Jewish genealogy both in Israel and abroad for the last twenty years, especially in the field of Sephardic genealogy. She published numerous articles in various Jewish genealogical journals, including Sharsheret HaDorot (Israel); Revue du Cercle de Genealogie Juive (France); Etsi – Sephardi Genealogical and Historical Review (France); and AVOTAYNU (United States) and was co-author of Guidebook for Sephardic and Oriental Genealogical Sources in Israel, Avotaynu, 2006. She built and published many databases, all available on Very active for many years in the Israel Genealogical Society, she serves as their Sephardic SIG Coordinator. She was the Project Coordinator and member of the Jerusalem 2004 Jewish International Conference Board.